An inexpensive marker generator kit that’s worth its weight in gold! The VE3DNL Marker Generator, designed by Glenn Leinweber VE3DNL, is one of the most useful tools that a QRPer can have on the bench. It is a small circuit that generates a square wave rich in harmonics that can be heard on a receiver… Continue reading VE3DNL Marker Generator Kit
Author: Mark
38 Special QRP Tranceiver Kit
A 30m QRP Transceiver The NorCal QRP Club sponsored the first annual Dayton Building Contest in 1996. We selected 2 projects, the 49er 40 Meter Transceiver designed by Wayne Burdick, N6KR, and the Pipsqueak Regenerative Receiver designed by Paul Harden, NA5N. To add a little spice to the contest and generate some technical articles, we… Continue reading 38 Special QRP Tranceiver Kit
SMK-1 Tranceiver Kit
A small 40m transceiver using surface mount components! Many people have been mentioning that they would love to see a “training” or “beginner rig” before they tackled a new full-featured SMT-based rig which will not be available until early fall. I thought about this, talked with Dave Fifield, and together we came up with a… Continue reading SMK-1 Tranceiver Kit
NorCal 20 Transceiver
A 20 meter QRP CW Transmitter with super features NorCal produced a second kit and sent it to the G-QRP Club, which handled distribution to hams in third world countries at no charge to the receiving hams. We gave the kits away! 500 kits sold, equaled 500 kits for third world hams. George Dobbs was… Continue reading NorCal 20 Transceiver
The NB6M Miniboots
By Wayne McFee NB6M Requests for an “outboard” version of the RF power amplifier used in the 5 Watt Mod for the SMK-1 led me to further research and experimentation which resulted in the amplifier circuit described in my article “A Mosfet QRP Gallon”, published in the Fall, 2000 issue of QRPp, the journal of… Continue reading The NB6M Miniboots
NorCal Resistor Kit
A collection of 2000 common-value resistors for the homebrewer! NorCal’s resistor kit contains 2000 1/4-watt carbon film resistors with 25 of each of the following: 1,2.2,2.7,3.3,3.9,4.7,5.6,6.8,8.2,1012,15,18,22,27,33,39,47,56,68,82,100120,150,180,220,270,330,390,470,560,680,820,1K1.2K,1.5K,1.8K,2.2K,2.7K,3.3K,3.9K,4.7K,5.6K,6.8K,8.2K,10K12K,15K,18K,22K,27K,33K,39K,47K,56K,68K,82K,100K120K,150K,180K,220K,270K,330K,390K,470K,560K,680K,820K,1M2.2M,2.7M,3.3M,3.9M,4.7M,5.6M,6.8M,8.2M,10M The kits comes in a 3″x3″x5″ heavy-duty white cardboard box that makes a perfect case. All that you have to add are some 3×5 card index dividers, and your… Continue reading NorCal Resistor Kit
Serial DDS Controller
Combine the DDS Daughtercard + Serial CW Sender PCB to perform as VFO controlled by the serial port of a PC Someone recently asked a perfectly obvious question that should’ve had a solution before now — “Why doesn’t someone create a PIC driver that will take serial port commands from a PC and in turn… Continue reading Serial DDS Controller
Melt Solder DDS Controller
A multiband QRP transmitter using the NJQRP DDS Daughtercard Steve “Melt Solder” Weber is a master with the ATmel controller chips and he’s designed a circuit with the NJQRP DDS Daughtercard that is super feature-rich. The project serves as a multi-band QRP transmitter on the HF ham bands, with paddle input, dual-memory keyer and speed… Continue reading Melt Solder DDS Controller
Elsie Kit
A low-cost L-C meter with Morse output constructed “Manhattan-style” ELSIE is the brain child of two top QRP designers in the field today – Joe Everhart N2CX and Steve Weber KD1JV. They’ve combined talents to produce a low-cost L-C Meter that was used as the Atlanticon Kit this year at our annual QRP Forum held… Continue reading Elsie Kit
TinEar Receiver Kit
A simple 40 meter DC receiver that’s inexpensive and fun to build! The TinEar is a simple DC receiver designed by Wayne McFee, NB6M that covers approximately 400 kHz of the 40 Meter band. This receiver has a stable VFO, and is quite pleasant and fun to operate. The kit is easy to build, and… Continue reading TinEar Receiver Kit