NB6M Paddles

The best part about these paddles is that you can make them yourself in just a couple of hours or so, start to finish. They are made from readily available materials, and cost almost nothing to build. All that is required are some scraps of double sided PC board material, a piece of single sided… Continue reading NB6M Paddles

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St. Louis Vertical Updates

The St. Louis Vertical Revisited by Dave Gauding, NF0R Here are a few ideas and observations on the St. Louis Vertical: Radiator Electrical continuity using the Radio Shack 300 ohm in-line connector and the light-duty twinlead leaves something to be desired. The #24 guge stranded wire is serviceable but just doesn’t hold up in repetive… Continue reading St. Louis Vertical Updates

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St. Louis Vertical

The St. Louis Vertical (SLV) offers portable enthusiasts an easy-to-build, easy-to-use antenna which: Covers 10-40M via a balanced line tuner (Lots of Bands for the Bucks) Installs independently of external supports (Trees are not required) Is inexpensive (About $40) Is lightweight (45 oz. for antenna, mount and radials) Is really portable (Car, canoe, backpack, bike,… Continue reading St. Louis Vertical

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How Low Can We Go, With a VXO?

The announcement of a building contest for Pacificon, 2002, set off a chain of experiments in my shack that, so far, has produced a very nice 10 Meter transceiver, using a 20 Meter VXO as its signal source, two entries to the VXO contest that tuned from above the basic crystal frequencies to frequencies well… Continue reading How Low Can We Go, With a VXO?

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Solid State VXO, Buffer Amplifier and Keying Circuit For Tube Rigs

The accompanying circuit details should provide anyone who has a small parts bin with a very useful accessory, allowing the use of smaller, modern crystal types to control and provide drive for tube rigs. In addition, a Mosfet switching circuit is included so that an electronic keyer can be used to key the rig. I… Continue reading Solid State VXO, Buffer Amplifier and Keying Circuit For Tube Rigs

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The SMK-1 on 20 Meters

A One Watt Mod has been added above the PA section of the main board. A 10 DB RF preamp for the receiver is built on the inside of the left panel of the PC board case. The circuit on the underside of the lid is an active audio filter. Difficult to see in this… Continue reading The SMK-1 on 20 Meters

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