Every now and then somebody asks the list for antenna suggestions. Quite often these people asking are beginners who are afraid of making the wrong choice. In order to help QRPers choose antennas wisely I have compiled a few “rules of thumb”. As with any rules of thumb, these are general and there are some… Continue reading Antennas: Some Rules of Thumb for Beginners
Category: Projects
A Crappie Portable Antenna
“Are you going to use this for fishing or ham radio?” asked the sporting goods salesman. “I’m a fisherman,” I said, “but this is for ham radio.” “Well,” he said, “I’ve sold lots of these, and I haven’t sold one yet for fishing.” Obviously I’m not the first to use a telescoping crappie pole for… Continue reading A Crappie Portable Antenna
The CW Decoder Program – A Historical View
I’m Grant, WD6CNF. I joined the NORCAL QRP Club about a year ago and started to attend the monthly get together at the California Burger in Pleasanton, CA. Many club members were displaying their QRP, Keyer, and regenerative receiver kits to other hams. I though this was a good way to exchange technology and to… Continue reading The CW Decoder Program – A Historical View